Monday, August 16, 2010

Standalone application now runs the TestCases

Previously, TestCases could only be run through the DiffKit project. You needed to download the source code, have groovy installed, and then figure out how to invoke the TestCaseRunner.

Now, the standalone executable diffkit-app.jar carries the whole TestCase suite with it. All TestCases can be executed in place simply:

java -jar diffkit-app.jar -test

So now it's very easy for us to collect end-user supplied validation of the kit from different environments.


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    Enhancements of manufactured steroids are dubious on the grounds that they give expanded strength and bulk, yet at extraordinary expense to the wellbeing of the client. The normal way, in any case, might be less hurtful. Regardless, even common anabolic maltreatment can be inconvenient to their wellbeing and bodies. By and large, can be the master or mentor to exhort you and assist you with finding the most valuable type of lifting weights material to assist you with accomplishing the best outcomes.

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